
This page gives an overview of the graduation process and the steps to apply.


Before applying for graduation, verify that you meet the following criteria:

  • Earned at least 85 units (90 units for some colleges), with no more than 70 units 从社区大学
  • Have good academic standing (being on academic notice is fine)
  • Be able to complete all degree requirements within 一个 or two semesters


  • Confirm you have completed all GE and 菠菜网lol正规平台研究 requirements on My菠菜网lol正规平台.
  • Review all expected transfer credits.  联系 eval@getcarddoctor.com 报告任何差异.
  • Ensure that you have declared all majors and minors.
  • Verify 你的 name, mailing address, and 电子邮件地址 on My菠菜网lol正规平台.

Finally, check for any major or college specific requirements.


You must apply for graduation no later than the 添加的最后期限 of the term in which you wish the graduate. If you do not see the "Apply" button 在My菠菜网lol正规平台上,联系你的 毕业评估者.

要积极主动. If you apply by the dates shown below, you will receive priority class registration. 这些截止日期也适用于 毕业日期更改 形式.

计划毕业时间 截止日期1* 期限2
2024年秋季 2023年10月13日 2024年3月22日——延长至3月29日
2025春夏 2024年3月22日——延长至3月29日 2024年10月11日
2025年秋季 2024年10月11日 2025年3月21日

*Allows two semesters with priority registration
Allows 一个 semester with priority registration

Be sure to follow the instructions from 你的 college 申请毕业.  一些 colleges have earlier deadlines for their internal processes.

If you miss the application deadline, contact an advisor from 你的 大学成功中心.


  • Locate and click the "Apply Button" in My菠菜网lol正规平台.  浏览 本教程[pdf] 了解更多信息. If you do not see the "Apply Button", contact 你的毕业评估官
  • 你会收到 电子邮件确认 when 你的毕业评估官 has reviewed 你的 record.
  • For additional questions at any point in the process, contact 你的 毕业评估者.


你的 graduation status in My菠菜网lol正规平台 should have 一个 of four values. 如果你的状态是 blank, you are not yet eligible to apply.


  1. 您可以通过My菠菜网lol正规平台在线申请:
  2. 你的 毕业评估者 will review 你的 application for degree requirements:
    • The MyProgress report lists all degree requirements.

  3. 你的评估者将发送一份 确认电子邮件 寄到你的上海大学地址: 
    • Applicants should review their MyProgress report
    • The 电子邮件 will list any deficiencies or issues
    • Follow the instructions in the 电子邮件 to address items that need attention
    • If you have substitutions or exceptions, please contact 你的 主要的顾问

  4. If you have not heard from us within three months, contact 你的 毕业评估者.


  • After you have applied for graduation and 你的 evaluator has reviewed 你的 record, 你的 毕业状态 在My菠菜网lol正规平台上将会变成“需要完成未完成的工作". This status will remain until we award 你的 degree.
  • If you have taken or are currently taking coursework at another institution, submit official transcripts that shows final grades as soon as possible. 上海大学接受正式录取 电子成绩单. 使用 etranscript@getcarddoctor.com 电子邮件地址. 
  • Make sure each of 你的 GPAs are 2.0或更高. 
  • Review MyProgress each semester to make sure it is accurate. 
  • Resolve any I (incomplete) and RD (report delayed) grades
  • Clear up outstanding Study Abroad coursework
  • Clear any holds that may be on 你的 record

If you will not complete 你的 degree requirements by the end of 你的 planned semester, 你必须 更改毕业日期.


Students must complete all outstanding coursework by the last day of the instruction. 看到 这个清单 to help ensure you are on track for graduation.